Waiting List
Because we usually fill up, the order that you apply decides your position on our waiting list. There is a $85 application fee. We’ll let you know as soon as we have a space for you. (This might be when enrollment starts in the spring, right away, or when a new space opens up).
Parent Commitments
Commit to a tuition schedule that works for you.
Commit to staying at Lighthouse Montessori through the kindergarten year. Our Primary program is a three- to four-year curriculum, and we ask parents to commit to the full cycle leading up to 1st Grade in order to fully realize the benefits of a Montessori Primary education.
Commit to attending at least half of all parent education nights offered each year. By learning more about the Montessori method, we believe that you will be able to play a more active part in your child’s education.
Once you have a space and you’re ready to make the commitment, you will make the $600 deposit.
$500 of this deposit will be applied to the tuition for your child’s kindergarten year!
Welcome to the Lighthouse Montessori community!